Ingersoll Directories
1846 Smith's Gazetteer of Canada West
Statistical and general information respecting all parts of Upper Canada

1852 Oxford Gazetteer by Thomas S. Shenston.
Read and search the 1852 Oxford Gazetteer by Thomas S. Shenston

1867 Oxford and Norfolk gazetteer and general and business directory
Published by Sutherland & Co., Publishers, Woodstock, C.W. [Ont.], 1867

1869 Ontario Gazetteer & Directory
Digitized, keyword searchable directory of towns, villages, as well as citizens & businesses.

1870 Oxford County Gazetteer & Directory
Explore citizens and businesses of this period.

1874-1875 Fisher & Taylor's Directory of Oxford
A comprehensive look at businesses & citizens. Searchable.

1881 Oxford County Directory
A complete alphabetical list of business man and private citizens, published by Crotty & Dart

1883-1884 Union Publishing Directory Elgin, Middlesex & Oxford
Digitized and searchable.

1885-1886 Union Publishing Directory Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford and Perth
Digitized and searchable.

1894 Ingersoll Directory
Union Publishing Company's Ingersoll town directory

1895 Union Publishing Directory Brant, Elgin, Norfolk and Oxford
Digitized and searchable.

1897 Union Publishing Directory Brant, Elgin, Norfolk and Oxford
Digitized and searchable.

1899 Union Publishing Directory Brant, Elgin, Norfolk and Oxford
Digitized and searchable

1899-1900 Union Publishing Companys Ingersoll Directory

1900 Ingersoll Telephone Directory

1900 Union Publishing Directory Brant, Elgin, Norfolk and Oxford
Digitized and searchable

1908 Ingersoll Directory
A detailed list of businesses and citizens.

1911 Ingersoll Directory
Digitized and keyword searchable.

1960 Ingersoll Telephone Directory
Bell Telephone white pages for Ingersoll