Charles Eli Chadwick
Charles Eli Chadwick, 1818-1896
Charles Eli Chadwick was born in England, but emigrated with his parents to Ontario in 1826. Charles eventually found his way to Ingersoll, Ontario where he settled with his family. He became involved in all manner of life in Ingersoll, serving as postmaster, manager of the local branch of the Niagara District Bank, as well as chairman of the school board. An officer in the Oxford militia, he became lieutenant-colonel of the regiment in 1860. Chadwick operated an insurance agency and was instrumental in the formation of Ingersoll Mechanics’ Institute, a precursor to the Ingersoll Library. Chadwick was President of Ingersoll Gas-Light Company and was an early and influential advocate of the factory system for making cheese in the Ingersoll area. He was a key player in the Mammoth Cheese project that put the Ingersoll dairy industry on the map. Chadwick was a two term mayor of the town.
Charles Eli Chadwick, 1818-1896
Discover more about the life of Chadwick, his family & devotion to public life.

Charles Walter Chadwick, 1854-1925
C. W. Chadwick, son of Charles Eli, grew up in Ingersoll, but went to be influential in Kenora, Ontario

Diary of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1878
Read of Ingersoll life in 1878, told by Charles Eli Chadwick, spanning January to July 1878

Diary of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1882-1883
Learn more of day-to-day life in Ingersoll, through the pen of Chadwick, October 1882 to January 1883

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1855
Letter from Charles to his wife Jane, in Ingersoll, 1855

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 Aug 03
Written by Jane Chadwick to Charles on his travels in Europe, she tells of news in Ingersoll

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 August 20
Written by Jane Chadwick to Charles, who is commencing his return journey.

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 July 20
Written by Jane Chadwick to her husband Charles in the UK, she shares news of Ingersoll

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 July 28
Written by Jane Chadwick to Charles travelling in Europe on route to the Vienna World's Fair

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 June 13
A letter from Charles written from New York home to Ingersoll & his wife Jane. Chadwick is embarking on his trip to the 1873 Vienna World's Fair, via the UK

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 June 14
Charles writes from the SS Egypt on route from New York, home to his wife, Jane in Ingersoll

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 June 18
Charles write from the SS Egypt in the wide

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 June 21
Charles writes from the SS Egypt, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, home to Jane in Ingersoll

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 June 23
Charles writes from the SS Egypt, he is beginning to look for land as his Atlantic Crossing draws to a close

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 June 26
Charles writes to Jane in Ingersoll of his safe arrival in Liverpool, England.

Letters of Charles Eli Chadwick, 1873 May 15
An introduction letter from a Mr. Millard, Wyoming, paving the way for Chadwick's impending visit to the UK in May 1873

Mary Margaret Chadwick, 1850-1933
Daughter of Charles Eli, Mary & her husband, Aaron Napoleon Christopher 1835–1907 & their grand home Rowanwood' became prominent Ingersollians"

Will of Jane McCartney Chadwick, 1821-1882
The 1882 last will & testament of Jane Chadwick, wife of Charles Eli.