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Oxford County

Fire Service



In the year 1863, under by-law #78, the village of Ingersoll was to form its first fire brigade. The new fire brigade consisted of fire companies, hook and ladder companies, life saving companies and a committee for the governing of same.  The establishment of the fire brigade was made by the municipal council of the corporation of Inger­soll under and by virtue of the municipal institutions act of Upper Canada.  It was on April 6, 1863, that Reeve John Galliford and Town Clerk R. A. Woodcock signed the by-law to form the first and still going Ingersoll Fire Brigade.  R.H. Carroll was named the first chief engineer for the village of Ingersoll. The executive or governing body of the brigade consisted of the chief engineer, a number of assistant engineers, a captain, a first lieutenant and one member from each company. The chief engineer had sole and absolute control of all the fire engines and fire brigade. He was also in command of all the officers and fire­ men on the brigade, and all the other persons working at a fire. It was the duty of the officers and the members of the several com­panies of the fire brigade, when­ ever a fire should break out, to respond with their engines, hook and ladder carriages, hose carriages and hose reels, and all other apparatus belonging to the brigade.

above photograph, Ontario Firemans Convention, 1934, held at Ingersoll, depicted in front of the fire station, King Street.

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