Elizabeth L. “Cassie” Bigley Chadwick, 1857-1907
Her career of deception began at age 14, when she was arrested for cheque forgery in Woodstock. Explore the resources below for more information about her illustrious exploits.
Andrew Carnegie's Daughter
Excerpt detailing Cassie's exploits claiming to be the offspring of the philanthropist.

Cassie Chadwick, 1857-1907
Discover more of Cassie's story in these clippings, including her obituary and headstone photograph.

Chadwick excerpt 'Art Williams Scrapbook'
Read of local historian, Art Williams take, on Cassie's illustrious career.

Chadwick excerpt from 'Outstanding Women of Oxford County'
Published in 1980 by the Oxford County Board of Education. Searchable.

The Incredible Mrs. Chadwick:
the Most Notorious Woman of Her Age by John S. Crosbie. Text excerpt & photographs. Searchable.

The Queen of the con:
from a Spiritualist to the Carnegie Imposter by Thomas Crowl. Explore this 2021 in depth portrayal of Oxford's own hometown swindler, Cassie Chadwick.