History of Tillsonburg
Search the documents below for keys to Tillsonburg’s past. You will find information about businesses, architecture, culture and pioneers of the area.

Oxford Land
Find interactive atlases, maps and land registries from OnLand, the Historical County Map Project by U of T and the McGill University Map Project.

The History of the Oxford County Library: A Timeline
This illustrated timeline covers the origins of the OCL and its progress since 1965.

Tillsonburg Cemeteries
Search the cemetery indexes of Tillsonburg and browse the Oxford County photographic cemetery database.

Tillsonburg History Pin
Town of Tillsonburg on History pin. Explore Tillsonburg’s architectural past through historical photographs.

Tillsonburg Local History Books
Search indexed local history books, now long out-of-print, for valuable details from Tillsonburg’s past.

Tillsonburg Newspapers
Welcome to the Tillsonburg Newspaper Database. This includes resources to the Tillsonburg Observer, Liberal and News.

Tillsonburg Records
Explore the Library and Archives full census records, search Tillsonburg’s Civil Records database and Tillsonburg’s microfilm inventory.

Tillsonburg’s People
Delve into Tillsonburg’s founding family, and individuals who molded the town into what it is today.

Find Tillsonburg’s high school yearbooks dating back to 1923. This collection includes the Annona, the Tatler and the Maple Key yearbooks