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Oxford County Wills & Estate Files: 1841-1861

This alphabetical database resource includes completely digitized Oxford County wills and estate files. 

Estate files contain all the documents needed to grant probate, including the petition for probate, the original signed will, oaths of executors or administrators, inventory of assets of the deceased, and related evidence.  Guardianship of children can also be found within these records.  These last testaments of early Oxford pioneers shed light on the struggles of settlers.

These records were digitized from microfilm held by the Archives of Ontario: GS 1, Reel 116 & 117.

Adam, Alexander - 1853

Adams, John - 1844

Adamson, Edward - 1854

Addison, Robert - 1860

Anderson, James - 1855

Anderson, John - 1853

Bailey, James - 1847

Bailey, John Wesley - 1849

Bain, John - 1847

Baird, Elizabeth - 1853

Barraclough, John - 1844

Bartley, John - 1858

Bartrand, David - 1855

Bastedo, Joseph - 1856

Beamer, Christopher - 1843

Beamer, Henry - 1842

Bean, Abraham - 1859

Beardslee, Lazarus - 1861

Berney, John Wesley - 1858

Berry, Thomas - 1857

Bickle, William - 1859

Bishop, Henry - 1841

Bond, John - 1844

Bott, David - 1857

Branchflower, Stephen - 1847

Bray, John - 1856

Briggs, Spencer - 1860

Brock, William - 1856

Brodrecht, Jacob - 1857

Brown, Martin - 1859

Buchanan, Robert - 1855

Buckle, John - 1854

Burdick, James - 1859

Burgar, Lucy - 1854

Burgess, Edward - 1842

Burgess, Hugh - 1860

Burgess, Robert - 1849

Burtch, Daniel - 1849

Call, Richard - 1859

Calloway, John - 1860

Carnegie, John - 1855

Cavanagh, James - 1853

Cheer, Sam - 1860

Cheer, Thomas - 1845

Clare, Henry William - 1853

Clark, Henry - 1853

Clarke, James - 1857

Clarke, Joseph - 1855

Clarke, Joseph - 1856

Clarke, Robert - 1850

Coady, John - 1849

Colborne, Amos - 1859

Connor, Peter - 1848

Cook, Isaac - 1859

Copp, Alexander - 1860

Cornell, Daniel - 1856

Cornell, Henry John - 1854

Cornell, William - 1855

Court, John - 1860

Courtney, William - 1857

Cousins, John - 1842

Croley, Joseph - 1857

Crumpback, George - 1860

Cummings, John - 1843

Curtis, David Israel - 1857

Cuthbert, Peter - 1855

Cuthbert, Peter - 1857

Davidson, James - 1846

Davis, Francis - 1857

Davis, James - 1859

Dea, James Edmund - 1844

Deerskin, Abraham - 1853

Dennis, James - 1859

Dennis, Robert - 1842

Dennis, WIlliam - 1857

Dickson, William - 1855

Doby, Thomas - 1848

Dodge, Joseph - 1860

Donally, Francis - 1860

Doyle, Richard North - 1850

Dunkin, David - 1847

Dutcher, Ephriam - 1842

Eadon, John - 1859

Edwards, William - 1859

Ellison, Benjamin - 1857

Emigh, George - 1843

Emigh, Henry - 1855

Empey, John - 1857

Erwin, John - 1860

Farrington, Adam - 1849

Fitzsimmons, Heatly - 1845

Flanigan, Patrick - 1853

Fleming, John - 1853

Fletcher, Michael - 1857

Flewellen, Stephen - 1843

Foster, Robert - 1858

Fowler, Daniel - 1841

Fowler, William - 1847

Fraser, Kenneth - 1860

Fritch, George - 1842

Frizell, Joseph - 1848

German, James - 1860

Gibb, David - 1847

Gilbert, Frederick - 1855

Gissing, William Alfred - 1859

Graham, Philip - 1849

Grant, Anson - 1842

Hackett, Stilson - 1859

Hadcock, Daniel - 1857

Hagey, Abraham - 1846

Hagey, Abraham - 1848

Hagon, Daniel - 1855

Hale, Ann - 1860

Hall, William - 1859

Hallock, Chamberlain - 1859

Hallock, Theron - 1860

Hanmer, David - 1842

Hanmer, Elizabeth - 1841

Harris, James - 1858

Harris, Reuben - 1856

Hart, Thomas - 1859

Hatch, John - 1854

Healey, William - 1847

Hemmings, James - 1857

Hendry, George - 1847

Herrick, David - 1856

Hill, Smith - 1850

Hillicker, John - 1858

Hornor, Desira - 1858

Hughson, William - 1859

Hunt, Beagle - 1855

Hurley, John - 1856

Idale, William - 1856

Innes, Moses - 1853

James, Joshua - 1860

James, Thomas - 1848

James, William - 1854

Jeacle, Henry - 1848

Johnson, Joseph - 1848

Joiner, Thomas - 1850

Jones, Samuel Alexander - 1857

Karn, John - 1850

Karn, John - 1855

Kelly, Jeremiah - 1856

Kelly, Thomas - 1853

Kelly, Thomas - 1857

Kempson, William Wellington - 1858

Kennedy, Edward - 1850

Kilgour, William - 1854

King, Eliakim - 1846

King, Margaret - 1856

Kinnear, Bernard - 1848

Kipp, Isaac - 1846

Larkin, Richard - 1847

Laurence, Enoch - 1859

Lawson, William - 1849

Laycock, James - 1854

Layton, Francis - 1853

Leach, Daniel - 1859

Leader, John - 1859

Lee, John - 1847

Lewis, Abner - 1847

Little, William - 1849

Lossing, Solomon - 1847

Love, Thomas - 1847

Lowthean, Timothy - 1844

Ludington, Tracy - 1854

MacDonald, James - 1859

Macklem, Abel - 1857

Maddison, Thomas - 1861

Malcolm, John - 1846

Malcolm, Sarah - 1846

Martin, John - 1857

Mason, James - 1847

Maynard, Rebecca - 1855

McCorquodale, Donald - 1856

McDonald, Archibald - 1850

McDonald, George - 1845

McIntyre, Nichol - 1845

McKay, James - 1858

McKay, Margaret - 1841

McKay, William - 1859

McKenzie, Alexander - 1849

McKenzie, Malcolm - 1860

McLeish, Thomas - 1850

McLennan, Kenneth - 1861

McLeod, Norman - 1855

McLevey, Robert - 1857

McNelly, Michael - 1860

McTaggart, Neil - 1857

McWilliams, William - 1847

Menzies, George - 1847

Molaski, Peter - 1848

Moore, Jacob - 1858

Moore, John - 1848

Moore, Matthias - 1849

Moore, Robert - 1849

Moore, William - 1858

Mudge, Abel - 1856

Mullin, William - 1853

Murray, Alexander - 1860

Murray, James - 1859

Murray, John - 1854

Murray, Robert - 1858

Naisbitt, Murray - 1847

Nichols, David - 1845

Nichols, Thomas - 1855

Nickol, Thomas - 1853

Nobbs, Robert - 1843

Northrup, Joshua - 1841

Oakley, Edward - 1848

Oxborow, Thomas - 1856

Park, James - 1861

Park, Robert - 1850

Paterson, James M. - 1860

Paton, John - 1847

Patterson, Arthur - 1856

Patterson, James - 1847

Pattulo, Halket - 1855

Peacock, Thomas - 1858

Petrie, George - 1849

Pettman, Thomas - 1858

Phillips, James - 1860

Piper, Joel - 1859

Poole, Martha - 1860

Pride, Jonathan - 1854

Pride, Rebecca - 1855

Puddock, Allan - 1853

Ransom, Reuben - 1842

Reed, Israel - 1841

Renahan, Edward - 1856

Rennie, John - 1855

Rice, Richard - 1853

Richardson, James - 1850

Robertson, Simon Fraser - 1847

Rooney, Patrick - 1857

Ross, Donald - 1856

Ross, Donald - 1856

Rouse, Noah - 1847

Sackrider, Peter - 1859

Scott, James - 1859

Scott, Joseph - 1857

Scott, Thomas - 1859

Searls, Andrew - 1847

Shannon, Daniel - 1854

Sharick, John - 1853

Sherred, Samuel - 1858

Sims, William - 1857

Siple, Henry - 1858

Sleighter, Daniel - 1845

Smith, Isaac - 1843

Smith, John - 1858

Smith, Lewis - 1848

Smith, Thomas - 1859

Smith, William - 1853

Snarey, James - 1858

Snyder, Elias - 1849

Splatt, Francis - 1859

Stover, Adam - 1847

Stover, Michael - 1850

Stringham, Owen - 1856

Stroud, Francis - 1857

Stubbs, George - 1858

Summerman, William - 1859

Sutherland, William - 1860

Sutton, Caleb - 1853

Swales, Robert - 1843

Swan, James - 1858

Swarts, George - 1842

Swarts, James Henry - 1844

Swarts, William - 1848

Syble, John - 1847

Symburner, Robert - 1848

Syple, Ezra - 1847

Tennant, William - 1860

Thompson, Thomas - 1853

Thompson, Thomas - 1856

Thompson, William - 1857

Tibbits, Sydney - 1855

Tompkins, Caleb - 1844

Topham, William - 1856

Underhill, Thomas - 1844

Underhill, William - 1846

Upton, Matthew - 1853

Walker, Charles - 1853

Walker, Levi - 1859

Watt, David - 1856

Weston, Michael Seth - 1854

Westscott, William - 1846

Williams, Elizabeth Jane - 1849

Williams, John - 1854

Williams, Lewis - 1849

Williams, Sarah - 1849

Williams, Silas - 1845

Williams, Thomas - 1849

Williamson, William - 1850

Wilson, Elliot - 1859

Winegarden, Conrad - 1843

Winter, John - 1859

Wood, John - 1850

Woodard, Ransom - 1850

Woodry, Joseph - 1859

Wrencher, James - 1842

Young, William - 1857

Zringg, John - 1855

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